It’s just another Manic Monday Jun 02, 2014
I cannot believe June is upon us, summer officially starts in 20 days. I feel like my planner was opened to February, I skipped passed March and April, blinked once or twice, and here we are. I seems like I was just bitching about the all the massive amount of snow, and now I’m going through sunscreen faster than you can say basal cell carcinoma.
I’m not going to have much presence on the interwebs this week, so much going on. It’s mostly boring doctor stuff, but, I feel like I can tell you about that “exciting opportunity” I received last week.
Later this morning I’ll be over in Philly at the cardiologist getting the ole’ ticker checked out. Tick tock, mofos.
And ironically enough, tonight is dinner with the Adult Congenital Heart Association. It’s funny, at one point in time, our collective pulse ox’s may have been 97%, and now, we are all living full lives with careers, families, and an adequate pulse ox. All our heart journeys, so to speak, are distinctive in their own way, but we each managed to reach the same end point.
Tomorrow is McDicky Day, which will no doubt be an all day affair. McDicky runs on McDicky Time, and is far different from the 24-hour clock we are all used to.
Wednesday is the Big Opportunity I’ve been a bit secretive about…
Kristin at WEGO Health has asked me to participate in a roundtable event, Medical Marketing and Media Leadership Exchange: How can pharma think more like a patient?
The roundtable discussion with have 8-12 participants, including the Director of global Clinical Development from Bayer Pharmaceuticals, the SVP of WebMD, the Associate Director of Clinical Trial Intelligence from Novartis Pharmaceuticals, a few other important people… and me.
It will be a moderated, 2 hour discussion hitting on key points like empowering the patient, educating the healthcare professional, clinical trial recruiting, and content marketing. Excerpts from the discussion will be published in the August issue of Medical Marketing & Media.
Am I nervous? Yep! I do think I will be able to bring many valid points and arguments to the table, as both a healthcare professional and a patient with multiple chronic illnesses. Through my experiences, I’ve been able take note of loose ends and experience first hand where the gap between healthcare/pharma and the patient originates.
Since I won the “Hilarious Health Activist” award and not the “Big Word User Pulitzer Prize Winning Blogger” award, I’m honored that WEGO Health has confidence in me to represent them along side such influential members of the industry.
Call me biased, but I truly believe I’ve not only had the best doctors and nurses in the world save my life at CHOP, but as a medical professional, I learned from the best at CHOP. My God, it better have all rubbed off on me!
And, if all else fails, I can only hope this will happen…
Thursday I have my iron infusion, and then meeting an old friend for coffee, and Friday morning an eye doctor appointment.
Friday afternoon someone is coming to clean the house! !!!!!!! Call me a Princess, call me a spoiled brat, I don’t care. Between Steve’s new position at work, and my being all blog famous now, it’s just not conducive to keeping up with the house.
Wish me luck this week!
Love you all <3
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